Print to A3 and laminate. Children to use to support discussions/ thinking during lessons, as part of a recap/ starter or plenary. Large section in centre allows for drawing with dry wipe pen and the reminder prompts around the outside display the thinking maps and the way thoughts/ ideas can be recorded.
Simply add your name to the blank box, laminate and use as a cover for a CPD journal. We use our CPD journals to capture key info from training sessions as mind maps so we can easily refer back.
Enlarge, laminate and add to/ near your English working wall/ reading display. Use an arrow/ peg to clip next to the skill you’re focusing on in reading that week so children are always clear on the skill they are working on.
Introduce a new word every week to build your class’ vocab.
Year group cards to laminate and add to the door/ a display to showcase the word/s of the week!
CARDS INCLUDED - Reception, Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4, Y5, Y6 and a blank card
Editable boxes to add key dates per month - headings NOT editable. Title and text boxes are. Perfect sheet to record key school dates on for parents and send out in Autumn term.
4 different templates
Spelling ladders
Teachers/ children add key words they are mis-spelling onto their ladder. This could be a focus on HFW or MFW. The children use this as a mini support/ checklist until they can spell the word correctly and then tick it off/ cross it out. Once the ladder is complete, start a new one!
Just print and cut in half.